Info on nutrition
Training on how to access information on HIV/AIDS.
Attached reports prepared by KAROPA CBO; Coordinator/Administrator James Ojwang.

Cyber and computer
Since the office secretary was employed there has been a big improvement on the number coming to the cyber for services i.e. learning computers, photocopy, typesetting and printing services and email services. At the moment the computer class has eight candidates coming both morning and evening hours for learning. Karopa will design a certificate for the computer graduates upon completion of the packages. Services offered in this project generates income to the CBO hence the sustainability of the project.
To curb destruction of the computers and other machines in the office we have decided to order computer covers inclusive of the printers from of the widow tailor in the village of Othoro. This will protect the computers from dust and any water spillage that might occur.
Tree nursery
So far the CBO is almost reaching its target of 16,000 seedlings which was outlined in the proposal to KARI (Kenya Agricultural Research Institute), we have ported at least 10,000 seedlings with so much still in the nursery beds to be ported. We believe we will go beyond the targeted output.
The biggest challenge for the CBO is rain water which has gone off as draught is now back till unknown time this has brought in more work at the site as we have to water the trees both morning and evening hours. Should the draught persist for a very long period then most of the trees will over grow the planting height limit and the borehole might go dry causing a big water crisis.
The CBO has planned to organize a special day for tree planting in the area to campaign about the importance of planting environment friendly tress like Mahkamia (Siala in Luo), Gravellia among others. This event will majorly depend on the availability of rain during this month of December.
After a successful organizing a HIV and AIDS forum in the month of November the organization is looking forward to organizing another forum inclusive of voluntary testing of HIV virus in the villages of the CBO. This event is will be carried out before the end of the month before people break for Christmas. The board of the CBO is at advance stage of making arrangement for such a wonderful event.